I-17 Munds Park Rest Area NB ( GPS 34.9529, -111.6696) – 1.2 miles north of Munds Park, AZ I-17 McGuireville Rest Area NB ( GPS 34.6725, -111.7737) – 3.6 miles north of Rimrock, AZ I-17 McGuireville Rest Area SB ( GPS 34.6739, -111.7718) – 3.6 miles north of Rimrock, AZ I-17 Sunset Point Rest Area NB/SB ( GPS 34.1870, -112.1341) – 7.1 miles north of Black Canyon City, AZ I-10 San Simon Rest Area WB ( GPS 32.2387, -109.0863) – 8.6 miles east of San Simon, AZ I-10 San Simon Rest Area EB ( GPS 32.2363, -109.0904) – 8.5 miles east of San Simon, AZ I-10 Ehrenberg Rest Area, WB ( GPS 33.6209, -114.4477) – 5.0 miles east of CA State Line I-10 Ehrenberg Rest Area, EB ( GPS 33.6182, -114.4530) – 4.7 miles east of CA State Line I-8 Stanfield Picnic Area, WB ( GPS 32.8352, -112.1475) – 11.8 miles west of Stanfield, AZ

I-8 Stanfield Picnic Area, EB ( GPS 32.8350, -112.1801) – 13.8 miles west of Stanfield, AZ For all other rules, please see, “ Arizona Rest Area Rules“. Rest areas located inside indian reservations may not be open 24 hours a day. Yes, overnight parking is allowed at all Arizona Rest Areas operated by the Arizona Department of Transportation, with no restrictions and no time limits. Is Overnight Parking Allowed at Arizona Rest Areas? To best of our knowledge this is the most complete Arizona rest area map published online. This Arizona rest area map was compiled from a listing of rest areas published by the by the Arizona Department of Transportation, as well as from our own travels throughout Arizona’s smaller highways.